Question: How is the size of a purchased pocket determined?

Answer: The trader buys a new pocket with a percentage of the available USD budget. This percentage is dynamic and dependent on market conditions. The percentage can vary between a little more than 0% and a maximum of 25%.

If the price has dropped only a little and there is a new good buying moment, the pocket will be smaller. This prevents the available USD purchase budget from being drained in a slowly declining market.

Further the pocket will be bigger after a large price dip in combination with a good buying moment. The results in greater returns.

Question : I have older pockets that are already being sold but my new pocket is not being sold yet. How is that possible?

Answer : The trader will always try to sell a pocket with as much margin as possible. Initially, the pocket will only be sold if the (net) margin is at least 6%. However, if the market only has small price fluctuations, this could mean that the pocket may not be sold at all. That is why the minimum sales margin decreases linearly to a minimum of 1% over a period of 3 weeks. This way we prevent that pockets are not sold in a quiet market. The effect of this may be that old pockets, of which the minimum sales margin is already (much) lower than 6%, are sold earlier than new pockets (of which the minimum sales margin is even higher). Simulations with historical prices show that we achieve the highest return on an annual basis with this strategy.

Question: What is the minimum deposit amount in USD at the exchange?

Answer:In order to get a good return we recommend to start with at least $ 1000, -. On the one hand, this has to do with the fact that on average you can expect a nice profit per month (average 2% of the deposit) and on the other hand that you still have enough USD in a deep dip to be able to continue to buy pockets. In a dip, the pockets keep getting smaller because they are a percentage of the available USD budget. The smallest pocket is $ 25 because the minimum trade at the exchange is $ 25. When starting the trader, the trader want to buy a pocket with a size of 10% of the available USD budget. Subsequent pockets are often smaller. So with a minimum of $1000 you can buy multiple pockets and make a good gain.

Question:I want to get money out of the cryptotrader. Is that possible and if so, how does that work?

Answer: It is always possible to withdraw USD dollars from the trader (for example, to skim your winnings). Crypotrader will automatically detect this and the next purchase will have an effect on the size of the purchased pocket. The Trader always buys in with a percentage of available USD budget.

To do this, follow the following instructions:

Warning: it is unwise to remove Bitcoins from your account because then you are going to make a loss. After all, if the Bitcoins would make enough profit, they would already have been sold.

Question: I would like to deposit money in the cryptotrader. Is that possible and if so, how does that work?

Answer: It is always possible to deposit USD dollars in your exchange account. Crypotrader will automatically detect this and use these extra USD dollars for the next purchase. The Trader always buys in with a percentage of available USD budget. It makes no sense to deposit Bitcoins, the trader does not do anything with it.

Question: I have just added euros to my exchange account but I see that cryptotrader does not use it for new purchases. What’s up with that?

Answer:The cryptotrader can only work with USD in your exchange account. Therefore, you must first convert Euros in your bitstamp account to USD. Use the following instructions:

Question: I saw a good buy opportunity at bitcoinwisdom, but the trader did not buy anything. How come?

Answer: The trader will place a limited buy order at the exchange when there is a good buy opportunity. However, when there are not enough sellers at the exchange the order will not be fulfilled. The trader will wait 4 minutes to check if the order is fulfilled. If not, it will cancel the limited order and wait for a next opportunity to buy or sell.

Question: I just checked my account at the exchange and saw a buy / sell, however, the web app of does’t show anything yet. I also did not receive an email from with a buy / sell notification. How come?

Answer: The trader always waits 4 minutes after the limited buy / sell order to check if the order is fulfilled. When the order is successfull it will register this in and send an email notification. The web app caches data for 1 minute. This means that there can be a delay of 5 minutes before the order can be seen.

Question: What happens when the price of Bitcoin goes up 100% in one day, will my pockets be sold, even when this leads to negative credits?

Answer: When AFTER the sale action, in which potential multiple pockets are sold, the credits become negative then the trader will be pauzed. However, the sale action will be executed.

Question: I have sold the bitcoins, which the trader bought for me, manually on the exchange. Now all my pockets are gone? How come?

Answer: The trader regularly checks whether all Bitcoins it has purchased are still present in the linked exchange account. If there is no (or too little) Bitcoin in the account (for example because the user has sold it manually himself), then all the associated pockets will be reduced or removed. After all, the missing bitcoin can not be sold anymore. Advise: we do not recommend selling the Bitcoin purchased by the trader yourself. There is a good chance that you will make a loss or make less profit.

Tip: When you want to trade manually (parallel with the cryptotrader), it’s better to create a sub-account for the trader. This way, manually trading does not interfere with the cryptotrader. Make sure that the API key of the trader is linked to the sub-account (instead of the main account). You can contact support if you want to change your account settings for Cryptotrader.

Question: I have enabled staking of my Bitcoins in my exchange account and suddenly all my pockets are gone. How is that possible?

Answer: When you enable staking, you give permission for someone else to do something with your Bitcoin. This has the same effect as deleting them all in your account. This is because they are officially no longer on your balance. As soon as Cryptotrader requests the balance from the exchange, all available Bitcoins have disappeared. The result is that all associated pockets that were linked to the purchased Bitcoins are deleted, after all, there is now nothing left to sell now that someone else is using your Bitcoins. It is therefore important to NEVER enable staking in the same account where you have the trader running.

Questions: Is seems that a pocket is sold partially. How is this possible?

Answer: When the market is slow, with few buyers, it can happen that in a period of 4 minutes the pocket is only sold partially. The trader registers how much is sold and how much is left. The sold bitcoins can be found in the actions overview. The remaining bitcoins are left in the pocket. The pockets can be found in the pockets overview.

Question: I have multiple pockets which can be sold with enough profit margin, but the trader sold only a few pockets.

Answer: The trader will always try to sell all pockets which meet the minimum profit margin requirements. However, the market can be slow (few buyers) which causes that only a few pockets are sold instead of everything. The trader will then try to sell them at the next sell opportunity.


Question: The trader just sold a pocket with profit but directly after this it bough a new pocket for a somewhat higher price. Is it then not better to not sell the pocket at all?

Answer: The trader will always do it’s best to sell pockets with enough profit margin on good sell opportunities. However, the trader can not predict the future. It can happen dat a pocket was just sold for a nice profit on a good sell opportunity but after a small dip then the price of bitcoin starts rising again. The trader does not want to miss this new rally and makes sure to buy a new pocket so new profit can be made.

Question: Why does the trader only buy for 10% of the available USD budget, shouldn’t he use the full budget for a new buy?

Answer: The trader will always try to buy at a good buy opportunity. However, the trader cannot predict the future. It happens often that after a good buy opportunity, an even better (with lower bitcoin price) opportunity follows. By only buying with 10% of the available budget the trader has still money left to buy again on even better buy opportunities. It will only buy again when the new bitcoin price is lower than the lowest price in existing pockets. Simulations have shown that this strategy results in the highest yearly financial yield for this trader.

Question: Recently I suddenly stopped receiving emails from What is going on?

Answer: The Cryptotrader email is probably marked as spam by your email provider. To prevent Cryptotrader emails from being marked as spam, you can put on a whitelist in your email client. See for instructions this Whitelist Guide.

Question: I have followed the above instructions to whitelist but I am still not receiving an email from Cryptotrader. What is going on?

Answer: You may have (accidentally) marked Cryptotrader emails as spam in the past. This will block all outgoing email to your address. We can undo this if you contact and explain what the problem is.