Faster Cryptotrader Web App
April 19, 2018
Soon new price increase for Bitcoin?
July 12, 2018

Today we have rolled out an improved trading engine (V0.18.1). This engine has the following major improvements compared to version V0.15.0:

– Functionality: More clear email for buy / sell of pockets.
– Functionality: The remaining USD balance is shown in the email with every buy / sell
– Functionality: The remaining amount of credits is shown in the sell email
– Stability: We can deal better with connection problems that can occur with inbound Bitstamp trades
– Scaling: The engine is further optimized to handle larger amounts of users and traders
– Scaling: All requests to the Bitstamp exchange are now load-balanced to prevent their server from being overloaded
– Scaling: sell of multiple pockets are bundled in 1 request to Bitstamp. This ensures faster processing and less load on their server.